Blog Post

Vantage Point - 'I Wanna be a Winner'

Iain McArthur • Oct 08, 2023

Single Review

Who knew we needed a rock cover of this 1981 song written by Noel Edmonds and BA Robertson and performed by Edmonds and his fellow Swap Shop presenters Cheggers and Maggie Philbin under the name of Brown Sauce? I was always a TISWAS man myself so I don’t remember it but it has a certain poetic genius; rhyming Ronald Reagan with Kevin Keegan and name checking celebrities of the day including Hurricane Higgins, Willie Carson and, er, Frank Bough. This version stands up well but, with hindsight, a secondary chorus of “See One, Touch One, Feel One” sounds a bit dodgy now when thinking about some 1980s BBC Childrens TV presenters.

This is Vantage Point’s 10th “First Friday of the Month” single release of the year – two more to go – and it again features our favourite cartoon cover girl Abbie Long.

Readers can subscribe to Vantage Point’s You Tube channel for first news of new releases and there’s a sneak peek of next month’s release in the October monthly update. I can’t say anything other than Abbie Long looks good sliding in or out of a DeLorean.
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