Blog Post


Laura DQ • Sep 24, 2023

Single Review

Now, I realise I’m a little late to this particular reviewing party but, having had a couple of weeks to digest the latest single by The Outlaw Orchestra, I can conclude that it more than warrants some Rockfiend love. Released on the 8th September, ‘Bag of Bones’ is, to my ears, the sound of a band maturing. If you didn’t know better, you could be forgiven for mistaking this as something new by Atlanta rockers Blackberry Smoke; maybe it’s David Roux’s relaxed vocals or the laid back, countrified guitar but there’s undoubtedly echoes of the Deep South vibrating from this Southampton trio.

Impressive musicians who never take themselves too seriously, The Outlaw Orchestra have seemingly mastered the art of turning a quirky anecdote into a memorable tune. If the lyrics here seem a bit cryptic, it’s just because you don’t know the story. Best to read the band’s own explanation on their Facebook page, but I’ll do my best with an abridged version... After being mistaken for a homeless man when acquiring some scraps from the butcher for his dog, Roux subsequently donated his ‘Bag of Bones’ to someone in greater need. And if you’re questioning how this inspiration generates a winning single, sit back, turn the sound up, and allow these outlaws to show you how it’s done.  

A surprisingly straightforward rocker, bereft of banjo, but with plenty of Southern flavour and soul, ‘Bag of Bones’ showcases the wonderful guitar interplay of Pete Briley and David Roux. Emerging gently, the track builds through an addictive chorus and a gloriously percussive instrumental section that highlights Ryan Smith’s suitably thunderous drumming. 

‘Bag of Bones’ provides the first taste of a new album set for release in 2024. On the strength of this, it’s going to be well worth the wait. 
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