Blog Post

Levara - 'Levara S/T'

Iain McArthur • May 27, 2021

Album Review

Just after finishing this review, I discovered from Facebook that the band have apparently just split up, even though their first record only came out a couple of weeks ago. WTF? I won’t say ‘tragedy’ as there are a lot of worse things happening in the world than bands splitting up but once you’ve heard their music you can’t help but be disappointed that this is all we’re ever going to get.

What a superb smooth and highly polished debut only album. In some ways it harks back to the glory days of 80s melodic rock but there is nothing retro about it. This is not your parents’ AOR although they will love it. This is new generation stuff - fresh and modern with distinctive electro touches and pop sensibilities layered on top of solid rock beats. It will be too ‘pop’ for some but should have great appeal to discerning soft-rockers and also be radio-friendly enough for younger chart music fans.

Of course, it does no harm to have support descending from the pantheon of rock deities. Steve Perry from Journey adds his voice on “Chameleon” to back up the absolutely outstanding lead vocals from French singer Jules Galli. It’s a great song – uplifting and inspiring. The lip-synch video also features a cameo appearance from Toto’s Steve Lukather but his main contribution to this project is the guitar-hero DNA which he has clearly passed to his son Trev – kind of a ‘Luke, you are my Father’ thing, I suppose.

They’re all good-looking young dudes with great hair. Check out the video for the sexy single “Automatic” and you’ll be blown away by Jules’ sultry vocal and Trev’s on-point guitar solo. They get all wet for the ladies on the “Ever Enough” video but that should not distract you from a great guitar sound and vocal. The very important third band-member is British drummer, Josh Devine and it’s Josh that propels the band through “Ordinary” and other numbers. Don’t hold it against him that he’s pretty and used to be the live drummer for One Direction – this guy can play and he’s got some rock chops too.

Every song here has an inventive and solid rhythm topped with a soaring vocal, great harmonies and a big guitar moment. At times it’s chiming and anthemic like U2 or The Killers (“Allow” / “Can’t Get Over”) and at others it’s smooth like The Calling (“No One Above You”).

Remember their name. It’s not Limara* it’s Levara. We might never hear from them again but that will probably make this one of those cult-classic records, so you should enjoy now while you can.

*People of a certain age will remember the Limara body spray advert featuring a sexy Sleeping Beauty-style cartoon and one of the best hard rock songs of all time by Stevie Lange. Link to that video below – you’re welcome.
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