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James O’Hurley - Interview (Thursday 11th April 2024)

Interview by Laura DQ • Apr 19, 2024
Maybe I shouldn’t be allowed to conduct interviews. Last week, I sat down for a chat with singer-songwriter James O’Hurley; We talked about his debut single ‘Evil’, his influences, why he stepped away from music for a while and his plans over the coming months. Unfortunately for us both, I was blissfully unaware that I needed to turn on the microphone to record sound on my iPhone. So, after 20-odd minutes, I found myself with a lovely recording of James and I conversing… In absolute silence!

It’s difficult to express my horror. I am an uneasy interviewer at the best of times; Very much an introvert, I am reasonably happy expressing myself from the comfort of my keyboard, but less confident when I have to talk. So I was relieved to find James warm and engaging, easy to talk to and effortlessly settling my nerves. It had been a stressful hour getting things set up. Despite several attempts over several days, I still couldn’t work out how to record a meeting on Zoom. I figured I’d use Skype instead but James doesn’t have it… So we decided WhatsApp would be the best option. Hooray then for the screen recording feature on my phone - also a new discovery to me and the solution to my problems… or so I thought!

Thankfully, I do remember some of our chat. And better still, James has been very gracious about the whole thing. We’re intending to catch up again in a couple of months when he releases his second single. I’m very much looking forward to it because James is incredibly likeable, utterly free of ego and genuinely delighted that people are interested in him and his music. There’s a real enthusiasm for the material he’s creating that shines through and a contentment at having returned to making music after some years away. I ask him why he stopped in the first place; he doesn’t go into detail but acknowledges that sometimes life and relationships (not just romantic ones) can pull you in different directions. 

He talks about enjoying the independence that comes from being a solo artist; he can make his own decisions in terms of his sound and finds that the songs are coming easily at the moment. He quotes one of the Gallagher brothers who described writing songs as “like catching rain in a bucket”, as if there is an element of luck to the craft. I still think it’s a remarkable talent and one that I’ve never acquired, despite my fondness for the written word. No such trouble for James, whose ideas are so abundant that he talks about his intentions for a second album despite the first one still being some months away from release! I’m interested to know if he finds the process of being in the studio somewhat arduous but not at all; for him, it’s just a joy to be back at it. 

James says that the music he is playing now is very different to that of the various bands he was in during his youth. The punk influence of bands like Killing Joke has been replaced by the big singer songwriters. He mentions Bob Dylan, Tracy Chapman and Neil Young. I note that I can hear those influences seeping through the acoustic storytelling of ‘Evil’ and want to know if we can expect similar from the rest of the album. Of course, there will be more of that but apparently, there are some heavier, more rocking tracks in store too with a greater blues influence. Given his fondness for The Black Crowes, I’m intrigued to see if some of their groove infiltrates James’ sound. He’s eager to line up some live dates and I can’t wait to hear how his music translates live.  

At some point conversation turns to Led Zeppelin; he thinks ‘Ramble On’ is pretty much a perfect song and I’m inclined to agree. He mentions the idea of bringing a cover of ‘Gallows Pole’ to his live performances and I, for one, would love to hear it! It’s interesting that James says he’s not from a musical family - nobody else plays an instrument, but he’s always been exposed to a lot of music. It’s obvious in the way he talks about the artists he loves and the breadth of his knowledge. 

I mention at the end of interview that I hope our chat will lead to a few more people checking out his music - and I mean it. So I’m upset to discover I’ve messed up. But my sentiment remains the same - James O’Hurley is a really exciting new artist who deserves your support. He probably also deserves a better interviewer… But I’ve definitely learned my lesson! 
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