Like so many artists, the release of AfroDiziac’s debut album Vanity Affair has been long delayed by the pandemic. The first glimpse finally arrives in the form of Riot, a fiery single swathed in disdain at the state of the world.
Looking at the artwork (impressive in itself) you’d be forgiven for expecting something psychedelic, retro perhaps, but Riot is totally modern, not so predictable and nearly impossible to categorise.
There’s a darkness to the dirty, fuzzed up riff that persists throughout, and the anguished vocal lamenting a ‘society in decay’. Riot sounds suitably angry, but really grooves with wonderful rolling drums and almost funky guitar and bass. Heavy in sound and subject matter, yet addictive and accessible, it’s a monster of a track.
In the chaos, there is a moment of calm, a brief respite before things reignite with even greater intensity, AfroDiziac’s voice highlighted at the top of his range; a passionate and compelling performance.
Crank this loud and spread the word, there’s a riot going on.